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Rural Health Clinics Locations

Appointments for all Rural Health Clinics can be made by calling (785) 810-1177
All Billing Questions - ext. 1950

Ellsworth Rural Health Clinic

1602 Aylward Avenue, Ellsworth, Kansas 67439
Phone: 785-810-1177
After calling and reaching our pre-recording; dial '9' followed by the desired 4 digit extension.
Registration & Clinic Nurse - ext. 7750
Social Services - ext. 7753
Fax: 785-472-4982
Business Hours for Ellsworth Rural Health Clinic
Monday thru Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
SatCare (Saturday Mornings): 8:00 - 11:00am

Holyrood Rural Health Clinic

101 S Main Street, Holyrood, Kansas 67450
Phone: 785-252-3565
Fax: 785-252-3574
Business Hours for Holyrood Rural Health Clinic
Tues: 8:00am - Noon & 1:00 - 5:00pm
Thurs: 8:00am - Noon

Lucas Rural Health Clinic

216 S Main Street, Lucas, Kansas 67648
Phone: 785-525-7788
Fax: 785-525-7786
Business Hours for Lucas Rural Health Clinic
Mon & Thurs: 8:00am - Noon & 1:00 - 5:00pm
This clinic is scheduled for renovations in April and will be temporarily closed for 3 weeks. Exact date TBD

Wilson Rural Health Clinic

2509 Avenue E, Wilson, Kansas 67490
Phone: 785-658-3688
Fax: 785-658-3618
Business Hours for Wilson Rural Health Clinic
Mon, Tues, Wed: 8:00 - Noon & 1:00 - 5:00pm
This clinic is scheduled for renovations on March 10th and will be temporarily closed for 3 weeks.

Rural Health Clinic Services

ECMC RHC focuses on primary care and preventative health services
The services furnished by the clinic must be described in sufficient detail to permit understanding of the scope of all services furnished in the RHC. State Operations Manual §491.8 (b) (2) & (c) (1) (i), §491.9 (b) (1), (2), & (4)


Yearly Checkups (Well Child & KanBeHealth visits , Annual Well Visits, Well Man / Well Woman Visits)
Diagnosis and treatment for common acute medical conditions
Saturday Urgent Care Clinic 8a-11a
Immunization programs
Chronic health problems programs, including: Diabetic Program; Chronic Pain Management Program
Basic laboratory services
CDL / DOT Physicals
Flight Physicals
Foot Care
Shot Clinic
Mental Health
Dietician (IBT)
Women's Health, including: Well Woman visits (with or without PAP);Birth Control
Minor surgical procedures / Invasive Procedures (biopsies, lesion removals, etc)
Emergency Services - "first response" services to common life-threatening injuries and acute illnesses
Sports Physicals
Financial Assistance, including: ECMC RHC Helping Hands Medication Assistance Program; ECMC RHC Patient Financial Assistance Program

Services under arrangement might be provision by a contractor of additional laboratory services beyond those required to be performed by RHC staff

Central Kansas Mental Health - Josie Anne Wacker, LCPC is a professional counselor who practices at Central Kansas Mental Health Center located at 809 Elmhurst Blvd in Salina, KS 67401 (Saline County). Ms. Josie A. Wacker has 4 years of experience in professional counseling. Josie A. Wacker, LCPC earned a degree of a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor. Josie works out of the ECMC RHC Location twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To schedule an appointment please call CKMH (785) 823-6322.
Chronic Care Management - This service is offered to ECMC RHC patients through an agreement with our Accountable Care Organization (ACO), a partnership with KU Med.
ECMC Lab - accepts any laboratory services that cannot be completed in the RHC. All primary specimen collection is transferred and processed by ECMC Laboratory or sent out to their corresponding specialty labs.
ECMC Hospital - accepts any direct admission to inpatient for the RHC
ECMC Ancillary Departments (RAD, RT, PT, OT, ST) - services offered by non-RHC staff for services not available in the RHC
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