Important Information about Filing Your Insurance Claims
There are specific details about an accident that are needed by our insurance billers to properly file your claim.Where - where the accident happened is very important as to how your claim is handled, whether it was at home, work, or an automobile accident.
When - when your accident happened is important so that all related visits after that accident can be traced back to that accident date or, if you have multiple accidents, we can keep track of which accidents goes with which claim.
How - How your accident happened is very important so that it can be determined if the accident is a home, auto, work, or liability. Please be detailed in your account of what happened, so that a good description can be submitted to your insurance company.
Important facts you may not know regarding accidents
1. Did you know that if you fall and hit your hand, arm, or any part of your body on your vehicle, a claim must be filed with your automobile insurance for payment or denial? Even if you only have liability insurance, a claim must first be submitted for an insurance denial before being sent to health insurance.2. Shutting your hand or any part of your body in your car door must also be filed with your automobile insurance
3. Kansas is considered a no-fault state, and if you are a titled owner of a vehicle, no matter if a person hits you or if you were a passenger in a vehicle in an accident, we will need your insurance information.
It is never a bad idea to show us your insurance card every time you come and see us to help ensure that your claim is filed efficiently and correctly the first time and that payment is made to your account in a timely manner!
Medicare and Medicare Advantage Programs
If you are covered under a Medicare Advantage plan you don't have to show us your red/white/blue Medicare card. We just need a copy of your Medicare Advantage plan card.
If you change any information, such as secondary insurance coverage or working status, you must call Medicare at 800-999-1118 and let them know of these changes so that claims can be processed correctly.
If you have a loved one who is receiving care from a hospice provider, please let us know because it will affect how your claim is handled.
If your retirement date is different than the date on which you became eligible for Medicare, we will need to know your retirement date to file your claim.